Archive for "technology"

A lot to save from targeted UV

UV light can kill 99.9 percent of bacteria and viruses found in the inlet water of aquaculture facilities. But how large should the doses be? Recent Nofima research in the CtrlAQUA Intake project “Strategies for water treatment in closed-containment aquaculture” shows that there is a lot of gain from adapting the dose to the pathogen…

Documenting effect of light on salmon performance

Nofima scientists studied the effect of LED light on salmon performance in closed-containment recirculated aquaculture systems. So far, the existing lighting conditions for salmon in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) appear to be safe in terms of growth and mortality rates. “However, we still know little about how the light affects salmon physiology and how they…

Another piece in place about the salmon’s requirements in closed facilities

Scientists have determined that salmon post-smolts tolerate similar level of ozone in brackish water as they do in freshwater. Ozone is a strong oxidant commonly used for improving water quality and disinfecting pathogens in freshwater fish farms. When ozone reacts with certain constituents of seawater, however, toxic byproducts can severely impact the health of fish…