Knowledge Update: Future Smolt Production

It’s been ten years since the first Smolt Production in the Future conference took place in Sunndalsøra, Norway. “Back then, we were talking about using recirculation for smolt production. Now we are discussing closed-containment aquaculture and post smolt production.” says scientist Jelena Kolarevic in Nofima, head of the conference.
“Even though progress is fast, the core developments are the same. It’s about recirculation of water in closed-containment aquaculture systems, and how these systems can be best adapted to meet the needs of farmed fish,” Kolarevic says.
The Fifth Conference on Smolt Production in the Future will be held on 23-24 October 2018 in Sunndalsøra, and is organised through the cooperation of Nofima and Sunndal Næringsselskap.
Registration is now open:
About this year’s conference
Salmon producers, equipment suppliers, governmental agencies and researchers will present their latest knowledge.
The focus of this year’s conference will be:
- Production in closed containment systems in the future
- Industry experiences from post-smolt production in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) and semi-closed containment systems in sea
- New technical innovations within RAS technology
- The health and welfare of post-smolts
- Management and water quality in RAS
Many presentations will show the latest results from CtrlAQUA – a Centre for Research-Based Innovation (SFI) in closed-containment aquaculture. The CtrlAQUA centre was established in 2015 and is hosted by Nofima.
In the conference exhibition area, industry leaders and other interested parties will have the opportunity to present their products and services.
“This year we are happy to inform the participants that we have extended the exhibition area and the accommodation capacity,” Kolarevic says.
What else is new?
Particularly interested participants can have a one-to-one with representatives from CtrlAQUA under the session “Questions and answers with CtrlAQUA”. This will take place directly after the conference.
Before the conference starts, it will be possible to visit the research facility Nofima Centre for Recirculation in Aquaculture (NCRA) in Sunndalsøra.
Brief history
The interest in RAS and semi-closed containment systems have increased substantially since the first conference was arranged in 2008. This is demonstrated by the increase in both the implementation of recirculation technology and the amount of research into these systems. In 2010 Nofima set up the research facility NCRA to conduct research on recirculation of water in aquaculture, and in 2015 the collaboration centre CtrlAQUA was established.