Annual report 2018

Now CtrlAQUA is half way through the lifetime of the centre, which is from 2015 to 2023. For anyone who are curious of the status and way forward for the research on closed containment aquaculture, this annual report for 2018 is good to read.
Please view your preferred version, and enjoy reading!
In addition to research progress, you can read interviews with leaders, partners and students about how the centre is addressing internationalisation, recruitment and how they see the aquaculture future. These are all issues that represent some of the success criteria for the Centres for Research-based Innovation:
- Interview: Are closed containment aquaculture the only solution?
- Interview: Research and industry well established in the international arena
- Interview: Many students being educated in CtrlAQUA
If you’d like a professionally printed version of the annual report to be sent to you, please email
CtrlAQUA is a centre for research-driven innovation (SFI), which shall develop technological and biological innovations that will make closed-containment aquaculture systems a reliable and economically viable technology in aquaculture. The Norwegian institute Nofima is the host institution, and there are six research partners from Norway, Sweden and the United States, as well as 13 industry partners. CtrlAQUA is co-financed by the Research Council of Norway and its partners, and shall operate from 2015 to 2023.